The Musings, Notes & Book/App reviews of a Children's Writer

Posts tagged ‘teachers’

A Family-Friendly Reading List For The Season Of Thanksgiving

It’s Thanksgiving, and that means curling up by the fire with family and warding off a bustling wind with heartwarming stories!

book-app-alliance-november-reading-list1Whether you are entertaining the kids while preparing a Thanksgiving feast, searching for unique food-themed stories, or getting ready for an afternoon nap after a thankful meal, this month’s Book App Alliance reading list offers a cornucopia of terrific storiesand entertaining activities you will be grateful for.

As winter approaches and outside time is limited, present your children with educational options that entertain with family-friendly stories from leading independent authors.

The Book App Alliance presents the November Thanksgiving Reading ListA Family-Friendly Reading List For The Season Of Thanksgiving.

A Book App….What’s that?

Each day Children’s writers and app developers convert wonderful classics  and  create amazing new books as apps. There are countless titles based on age, topic or content, just waiting to be discovered & downloaded.

During kids books & app discussions, the first question often asked is “What’s a book app?” A Book App is so much more than an eBook, it’s a digital book brought to life with animation, music, narration and fun-filled activities or games woven into the story. Book apps encourage kids to read, play and explore and are available for use on digital tablets such as the iPad, and smart phones.

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Best of all, they’re very inexpensive and provide a unique, entertaining and learning environment. Most fall within the range of 99c-$4.99, a flat fee which usually won’t have ‘in app purchases’. Paid book apps are a preferable option to free apps which bombard our kids with ads or prompt a purchase in order to proceed.


You can find book apps  in the iTunes App Store, under the Books category. In Google Play, you can find book apps under Android Apps > categories > books & reference. There you’ll find wonderful, interactive stories that deliver an animated reading experience. Book Apps likeGrendel’s Great Escape for iPad /Android and Treasure Kai and the Seven Cities of Gold for iPad/iPhone allow children to interact with the story, through reading, music and fun activities.

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– For a behind-the-scenes look at the making of a book app, visit the Blue Sandpiper Imprints Kids Korner.

– To see a 2-minute video called “Kids Have Fun Reading on the iPad” visit

Not sure which book apps are suitable for your child? These sites feature the best children apps and reviews, and  provide direct links for downloading.

App Source

Digital Storytime


The Appy Mall 

I heart this app 

Making a difference – Teachers Rock!


I recently read an article about hero’s. It was written by an Author about the teacher who changed his life.

Teacher’s are indeed the unsung hero’s of all time. Without them where would we be?

If we think back there’s always been at least one teacher and mentor attempting to inspire and pour a wealth of knowledge into receptive minds.

Unfortunately sometimes we are either too young, immature or distracted to appreciate just how much they have to impart and what we have to gain by just sitting still and listening.

Oh how I wish I’d stayed awake during Art history class and paid closer attention during Geometry. Good Teachers will always continue to teach to distracted ears hoping that a nugget or two will get thru, but the great ones will find a way to get thru and make a difference.

I had such a teacher, Mrs Kelly got thru to me in ways I didn’t appreciate until much later in life. She was not only my teacher but also my neighbor, it was in my best interest to make an effort in her English literature class, I couldn’t afford for anything to be said during her chats with Mom. I remember her kindness and charity to those in need and going the extra step to stay after class and help a student.

What I didn’t appreciate was her methods of forcing me to think, she had an infuriating way of answering my questions with another question. If I asked her how to spell a word she answered “how do you think it’s spelled”. Infuriating because I wouldn’t have asked If I had known in the first place. There were many more answers like that, such as “how do you think it’s made” or “Why do you think that happened” She was supposed to teach! not make me figure it out for myself.

Mrs Kelly forced me to think! There was no way around it, I had to use my brain around her. She didn’t stop in the classroom either, did I mention that she lived next door? The mental workout continued on the ride home as well.

Mrs Kelly was a kind soul who loved to teach. She was never off the job, on week-ends she taught me to use a sewing machine at the risk of her sanity and her machine. If patience was a virtue then she will be nominated for sainthood. I showed up often on her doorstep for her amazing grilled cheese sandwiches but there was always a price to pay and I’d unknowingly leave a little bit wiser since there was always a lesson to be learned.

Mrs Kelly or Aunt Pam as she’s lovingly called has long since retired but still find ways to tutor both Adults and Children, she’ll never stop sharing her time and knowledge with those around her.

Like her, great teachers are all around just waiting to share their knowledge and make an impact. Now if only I can persuade my sons to pay attention in class, embrace all that their teachers have to offer and that recess isn’t the best part of their day.