The Musings, Notes & Book/App reviews of a Children's Writer

Posts tagged ‘pumpkins’


Quest for the perfect pumpkin


Spooky buccaneer ship lures us in to check out the pumpkins

Tis the season for Halloween decor. The front yard is adorned with strategically placed tombstones and zombies emerging from shallow graves. The shrubs are draped with cobwebs filled with little plastic spiders. There’s a huge hairy spider over the front door, ready to slide down his web to greet any trick & treaters daring to ring the doorbell. It’s also the season for high winds which shred the cobwebs & send the tombstones tumbling thru out the neighborhood, extra reinforcements will remedy that. Visiting the pumpkin patches are a special treat for the kids, hopping on hayrides, climbing bales of hay and running in and around the pumpkins. This year I continue the hunt for the perfect pumpkin. I’m not much of a carver, it’s not my area of expertise & I’d prefer to keep all ten fingers. My preference is to artfully pile the pumpkins around the tree on the front lawn, creating a mini patch of sorts.  After much debate I’ve settled on a multi colored assortment of Gourds and a huge Cinderella pumpkin. Next I’m off to buy tons of candy to fill the cauldron & I’m all set.


Love the green gnarly guy hanging out in a sea of orange.


Never too early to try out the costumes


Photo by blue Sandpiper Imprints


My favorite pumpkin this year…. perfect for my pumpkin patch


Setting the stage for fright night.